Thursday, September 15, 2016

STAR - Survey of Team Attitudes and Relationships

NHPCO Provider Members: Does your hospice use STAR?

Employees play a fundamental role in the success of any organization and astute administrators recognize the value in a stable and committed workforce.  Research has shown that employees who have higher job satisfaction care about the quality of their work, have higher retention rates, are more productive, and more committed to the organization.  Other sectors of the healthcare industry use job satisfaction surveys tailored to their specific health care environment. STAR is the first and only staff satisfaction survey that reflects the unique needs and work environment of hospice care delivery.  

Utilization of STAR is a benefit of NHPCO provider membership at no additional cost.

Elements of STAR:
  • 45 questions that assess hospice staff job satisfaction (40 items relevant to all hospice staff and 5 questions relevant only to clinical staff).
  • Additional demographic questions.
  • Domains: Work rewards, teamwork, management support, organizational support, workload, global satisfaction.
Administrators find STAR to be a valuable tool for promoting workforce excellence and delivery of quality hospice care. Participation in the NHPCO STAR administration and reporting process provides the information needed to make adjustments to improve staff satisfaction and retention.  Assessing - and improving - staff satisfaction with STAR should be part of each hospice’s comprehensive QAPI program.

How and when to participate:
  • Visit and review the Administrator’s Manual 
  • The first step after reading the manual is to update your hospice’s roster. Email
  • Get started now to have your hospice’s results included in the 2016 National STAR Report! 
  • The annual deadline to complete administration of STAR is December 15
Kristi Dudash, MS
NHPCO Research Manager

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