Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Elizabeth Edwards Opens NHPCO's 24th Management and Leadership Conference

Reforming Healthcare and Improving End-of-Life Care: Awakening Our National Conscience

Elizabeth Edwards is a strong and deeply committed advocate for improved and accessible healthcare. She was publicly introduced to America when her husband, then Vice-Presidential candidate John Edwards, was launched into the spotlight in 2004. But it was her down-to-earth personality that charmed America.

Living with Strength, Comfort and Dignity
Mrs. Edwards knows from firsthand experience the need for changes to the healthcare system that will improve access, quality, and – for those facing the end of life – comfort and dignity.
Her personal experience in coping with cancer, caring for aging and ill parents and her professional work in the legal and policy areas have made her a passionate proponent for change.
Strength for the Future from the Foundation of the Past
Mrs. Edwards stated: “It is a test of our characters, individually and communally, what we value and honor when facing the end of life. Individually we do well: hospice professionals, who are trained, do extraordinarily well and even those, like me, who stumble through, do as well as can be expected. Communally, particularly as a nation, we do less well. The regulatory limitations on reimbursement for hospice care under Medicare do not reflect our national will that the ends of life – and all our lives will end – be as comfortable and dignified as possible.”

At NHPCO's 24th Management and Leadership Conference, Mrs. Edwards will share her ideas, perspectives and passion for improving healthcare during the opening plenary session. She will encourage the hospice community to hold fast to the values that founded the modern hospice movement while challenging all to continue to be champions for those at the end of life.
Make plans today to attend the premier end-of-life leadership conference.

Register today to experience this special plenary session and over 100 innovative sessions at the 24th MLC.

  • Preconference Seminars: April 21-22, 2009

  • Main Conference: April 23-25, 2009

  • Location: Omni Shoreham Hotel, Washington, D.C.

For more information visit, http://www.nhpco.org

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